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Recombee applied to Doporucujeme (“Recommended”) section.
In a continuous effort to improve its online products, Economia a.s., a Czech media company running a number of news portals and thematic websites, decided to explore the power of artificial intelligence for personalization. Based on a superb A/B test performance, Recombee’s news personalization system together with Geneea’s NLP engine were selected as the winner in a tender of several commercial solutions.
Since then, our solution has been expanded to the centrum.cz portal with over 50 million recommendation requests per month. Deployment to several other large sites is planned within the next few months.
Recombee applied to Doporucujeme (“Recommended”) section.
Recombee applied to Doporucujeme (“Recommended”) section.
Recombee applied to Mohlo by vas zajimat (“You could be interested in”) section.
“Thanks to Recombee’s recommendation service and Geneea’s NLP, we were able to personalize news and articles for visitors of our major portals (aktualne.cz, volny.cz, atlas.cz), increasing the number of pageviews by 64 percent. We expand recommendations to other scenarios such as video recommendations or personalized galleries.”
Economia, a.s., a European Business Press member, is a major Czech publishing house specializing in economic and professional periodicals. The internet division of the company runs over 20 out of the most important news and professional websites in the country, including aktualne.cz and ihned.cz. Together, they serve 500M page-views per month. Economia takes great pride in the trustworthiness and objectivity of information it provides. It became a reliable source of information for 66 % of Czech business owners, top management and public administration representatives.
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